Because strong partners
make us strong
For us, memberships in established organizations such as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), the German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (BVMW) or a local trade association are not only a strategic decision, but also an integral part of our company motives. These memberships give us the opportunity to keep our finger on the pulse and offer innovative solutions for our customers. As we strive to be a leading company in our field, these memberships are an indispensable part of our corporate culture, helping us to achieve our goals and ensure our long-term success.
IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
Our Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) offers a wide range of events, seminars and advice to promote us as a company and make us more successful. It is an important institution that supports companies with a wide range of services. This includes not only numerous events, seminars and advisory services, but also representing the interests of local businesses to government authorities and other organizations. The IHK acts as a mouthpiece and lobby for companies in order to create a conducive economic environment and strengthen competitiveness. Through its activities, it helps to ensure that companies are better informed, can develop further and ultimately operate more successfully on the market.
More information at www.ihk.de/sbh

Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft
The Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) acts as an important lobby group for companies in Germany. Its role is to represent the concerns and interests of SMEs at both national and international level. The association acts across professional and cross-industry boundaries and remains politically independent. Through its diverse activities, the BVMW is committed to improving conditions for SMEs, influencing political decision-makers and creating networks that benefit its members.
More information at www.bvmw.de

Gewerbe- und Handelsverein Spaichingen
The trade and commerce association plays a crucial role in promoting the local economy in Spaichingen. As an organization that promotes the interests of trade, commerce, crafts, gastronomy and general economic development, the trade association creates a strong network within the town. Through various initiatives, events and projects, it helps to strengthen local businesses, create new opportunities for cooperation and enable the local economy to flourish. The trade association is therefore an important player that contributes to the vitality and dynamism of the economy in Spaichingen.
More information at www.ghvspaichingen.de